Instructional Technology Training ResourcesInteractive Sites: All of FREE K-12Creation and Innovation:http://www.dipity.com/: Create a Video Timeline. GRADES 3-12http://timeglider.com/how_it_works.php: Create a data driven digital timeline. GRADES 3-12http://storybird.com/: Create a digital story. GRADES 2-12http://voicethread.com/?#home: Upload images into a media presentation with multiple voices. Record audio, video, or add text or drawn annotation. Wonderful tool for digital storytelling. GRADES 3-12http://audacity.sourceforge.net/: Create audio mixes and recordings. GRADES 6-12http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/digitalphotography/photostory/default.mspx: Create digital storys using Microsoft's Photo Story. GRADES 4-12http://rtoa.us/wp/2010/01/gamemakers/: Create your own games. GRADES K-6http://www.pencil-animation.org/: Create your own pencil drawing on your MAC. GRADES 1-12http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/default.aspx: Create graphs and charts and anayze data. GRADES 3-6http://www.gimp.org/: Create and edit digital photos: GRADES 3-12http://www.ourstory.com/: Create digital and video timelines: GRADES 3-12http://www.tikatok.com/: Create a digital book: GRADES 1-6http://www.digitalvaults.org/: This awesome site is sponsored by the National Archives Experience. Students can create posters, movies, and teachers can create a pathway challenge. I was very impressed at this free resource. GRADES 1-12http://www.xtranormal.com/: Students can create a video using avitars to create a short movie, maximum 200 word character script. Very fun and can be used in all content areas and grade levels. GRADES 2-12http://bighugelabs.com/: Fun digital photo site where students can create magazine covers, trading cards, and flash cards. GRADES 1-12http://www.wordle.net/: Students can create word clouds. Great for learning vocabulary, spelling, etc.http://www.surveymonkey.com/: Create surveys.http://www.voki.com/: Students create their own avatar to use in a short movie clip. Very fun site.http://www.toondoo.com/Home.on: Students can create their own cartoon strip.http://www.imaginationcubed.com/index.php: Fun drawing site.http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/: Students can create their own cartoon.http://show.zoho.com/login.do: Create presentations and share online.http://sitescontent.google.com/google-sketchup-for-educators/Home: easy-to-use program that lets you and your students create, modify and share 3D models.http://www.google.com/educators/p_pagecreator.html: you can create functional, attractive web pages in just minutes—without having to learn code.http://www.google.com/educators/p_apps.html: Learn about Google Apps for content creation.Google Docs - Students and teachers can create documents, spreadsheets and presentations and then collaborate with each other in real-time right inside a web browser window.
Google Sites - Create a class site and edit it the same way you'd edit a document -- no technical expertise required. Your site can bring together all the information you want to share with your colleagues and students, including docs, calendars, photos, videos and attachments.http://classtools.net/: Create free educational games, quizzes, activities and diagrams.http://www.globaloria.org/: Students create interactive games to reinfource Science, Math, Technology, and Engineering.http://www.twtpoll.com/: Create an online poll or survey.http://polldaddy.com/: Create a pooll or online survey.http://wigflip.com/automotivator/: Create your own motivational poster.http://www.tagxedo.com/: Similar to wordle, create your own word cloud and turn it into a shape.http://museumbox.e2bn.org/: This site provides the tools for you to build up an argument or description of an event, person or historical period by placing items in a virtual box.http://www.lessonplanet.com/search?keywords=imovie&media=lesson: Over 300 lessons plans and ideas on how to have students create video content using iMovie.http://www.stager.org/podcasting.html: Excellant video lessons on creating podcasts with MAC.Communication and Collaboration:http://www.teachingdegree.org/2009/06/30/50-awesome-ways-to-use-skype-in-the-classroom/: 50 Ways to use Skype in the classroom.http://member.thinkfree.com/member/goLandingPage.action: Great way to share web based office documents online.http://www.google.com/educators/p_groups.html: With Google Groups, you can set up your very own place to communicate and collaborate, safely and securely, with others online.http://www.google.com/educators/p_apps.html: Learn about Google Apps for Communication and Collaboration.http://quicktranslator.net/index.php: Online translator.http://www.epals.com/: Collaborate with classrooms.http://writeboard.com/: Write, revise, collaborate, and share.http://translate.google.com/translate_tools: translator toolhttp://bubbl.us/: Bubbl.us is a simple and free web application that lets you brainstorm online.http://coolcatteacher.blogspot.com/2006/10/using-skype-in-classroom-or-just.html: Excellant blog on how one teacher is using Skype in her classroom.http://www.techsmith.com/jing/: Capture screen shots using jing.http://orchard.sbschools.net/library/links/washington/: Virtual tour of Washington DC.Research and Information Fluency :http://www.askkids.com/: free, safe, fun way for kids and their parents to quickly and easily research school topics like science, math, geography, language arts, and history in a search environment that's safer and more age-appropriate than traditional, adult search engines.http://www.quinturakids.com/: Fun visual search cloud for internet searching. Search using preset categories in the search cloud, click a road sign on the home page with newly added topics or type a word into the keyword search box. A minus sign lets you subtract a subtopic from your keyword search to refine results. The search cloud can also be embedded in your personal Web page using the code provided when you click the Embed button.http://www.eol.org/: Encyclopedia for Science, Life, and Nature. Great visuals. Excellant site.http://www.eoearth.org/: free, fully searchable collection of articles written by scholars, professionals, educators, and experts who collaborate and review each other's work. The articles are written in non-technical language and are useful to students, educators, scholars, professionals, as well as to the general public. Wonderful visuals.http://www.wolframalpha.com/: Excellant search engine. The worlds only computational
knowledge engine. Great for math and science.http://www.google.com/squared: Teach students how to check validity of sources using search feature in google squared.http://www.scirus.com/srsapp/: Scientific and medical search engine. Appopriate for high school students.http://infomine.ucr.edu/: Subject directory to scholarly Internet collections, developed by the Library of the University of California, Riverside.http://www.academicindex.net/: meta-search tool that includes results from mega-information databases that index only research-quality reference and information sources selected by professional librarians, educators and educational and library consortia. Provides access to over 300,000 quality information web pages.http://www.apple.com/education/itunes-u/?cid=ITS-ITUMAIN080829-CN4X9: Utilize iTunes U for research and exploration.http://rockthequote.com/: Search engine for quotes and sayings.http://citationmachine.net/: Citation MachineDigital Citizenship:http://cybersmartcurriculum.org/digitalcitizenship/lessons/: Excellant site with activities and ready made lessons for grades K-12. Aligned with ISTE's student standards of digital citizenship.http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Podcasting_Legal_Guide: Learn and Teachhttp://twaterman.pbworks.com/w/page/10591810/Digital_Citizenship: Great site with handouts, youtube videos, rubrics and many other resources to help teachers with digital citzenship in the classroom.http://digitalcitizenshiped.com/Default.aspx: Great online guide and free curriculum digital citzenship unit to incorporate into your lessons.http://www.brainpop.com/spotlight/digitalcitizenship/: Digital etiquette quiz, interactives on digital citzenship.http://www.infinitelearninglab.org/: Fun internet safety site for elementary students, grades K-6. Topics include cyberbullying, forms of opinion, forms of media, and online safety.http://cybersmartcurriculum.org/cyberbullying/lessons/: Excellant lessons and activities for all ages on the topic of cyberbullying.http://search.creativecommons.org/: Search for items that you can use.Think Critically, Solve Problems, and Make Decisions:
http://www.escapefromknab.com/: This simulation integrates math, science and fiction while taking students to the planetKnab. By making the right financial decisions they can find their way back to Earth. The experience provides a different game each time.http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/97/bureau/: National Geographic site for kids. When you click into the travel bureau you will begin an adventure into the past, present or future. Have students use what they learn to create abrochure describinb their adventure or create a travel itenarery based on a set budget withspecific required activities.http://www.google.com/gadgets/directory?synd=earth&cat=featured: Nice selection to add to your google earth lessons.http://www.kmzlinks.com/: Problem solving using google earth. Excellant collection of lesson files.http://www.gearthblog.com/blog/archives/2005/09/google_earth_fi.html: Learn how to use Google Earth for Problem Solving.http://www.juicygeography.co.uk/googleearth.htm: Geography Lessons for google earth.http://gelessons.com/lessons/: Google Earth How Tos and Lesson Ideas.http://www.eduweb.com/amazon.html: Fun Amazon Interactive Site for Research and problem solving.http://sitescontent.google.com/google-earth-for-educators/: Excellant reference for teachers and students interested in using google earth.http://www.engineeringinteract.org/: Fun games and problem solving interactives for STEM activities designed for 4-6 grade.Technology Operations and Concepts:http://ced.ncsu.edu/techcomps/unets1.html: Excellant table reflecting ISTE standard, examples, and helpful resources for the classroom.http://freetypinggame.net/play12.asp: Improve keyboarding skillshttp://www.powertyping.com/: Improve keyboarding skillsResources for Your SmartBoard LessonsPrimaryIntermediateSecondaryhttp://www.longwood.k12.ny.us/longsmart.jhs.htmlhttp://www.longwood.k12.ny.us/longsmart_lhs.htmlhttp://teacher.scholastic.com/whiteboards/languagearts.htm?lnkid=TNav:TR:Interactive%20Whiteboard&ESP=TR/ib//acq/interactive_WB_tnav_TR///nav/txtl////http://jc-schools.net/tutorials/interactive.htmALL GRADE LEVELS