Dublin ISD is requesting your input on the posted Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan and the ESSER III Funding Plan. Please email questions, concerns and comments to Terri White, Assistant Superintendent at twhite@dublinisd.us.
DISD Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan is subject to change based on changes from TEA, CDC, and local health authorities.
Linea de tiempo de Dublin ISD ESSER III
Dublin ISD ESSER III Timeline Translated - Spanish 11-9-22.pdf 630.82 KB (Last Modified on November 10, 2022) -
DISD Regreso seguro a Instrucción en persona y Plan de Continuidad de Servicios
Translated copy of Safe Return Plan 2023-2024 Updated 7-24-23.pdf 299.44 KB (Last Modified on August 22, 2023)