TECHNOLOGY COMPETENCIES FOR EDUCATORSWe will endeavor to assist Dublin ISD students, faculty, and staff to meet the National Educational Technology Standards. These standards focus on the following topics and can be found at on the ISTE website.
- Creativity and Innovation
- Communication and Collaboration
- Research and Information Fluency
- Digital Citizenship
- Technology Operations and Concepts
General Overview:
Technology is a tool for delivering, extending, and enriching the curriculum. Educational technology offers a broad range of modern tools that support teaching and learning and when combined with effective teaching strategies, technology can transform the classroom environment. Appropriate technology can move students beyond the basics of learning toward higher levels of thinking, problem solving and project-based learning.
For technology to be effective educators must first be competent with the technology applications that facilitate their work and support student learning. The Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology embraces this belief and the Dublin ISD has addressed this concept in its technology planning. A primary district long-range technology goal is to educate all students, faculty, and staff in the effective and responsible use of technology to meet the state expectation.
The recently adopted Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) include technology expectations in each discipline and grade level. For these TEKS to be incorporated into the regular instructional program educators must develop similar skills so that they are knowledgeable and can apply students' technology skills to enhance understanding.
Each educator must possess a basic level of computer knowledge to sufficiently operate a computer, and when necessary, understand the concepts and commands necessary for working with specific computer hardware and software systems applicable to each employee's job assignment. Each educator should become familiar with the Texas State Board for Educator certification Technology Applications Standards located at http://www.sbec.state.tx.us/SBECOnline/standtest/standards/techapp.pdf
The implementation of technology competencies shall be largely self-directed with each employee and his/her immediate supervisor determining which technology competencies to develop to a greater degree. With the newly acquired computers and related equipment educators should establish a reasonable timeline for personal development. The expectation of the Dublin ISD is that all professionals shall have developed the general competencies and shall begin to integrate technology into the instructional program in the immediate future. Technology competencies shall be demonstrated as they are applied to the instructional program.
Multiple opportunities for training in various technology competencies shall be available throughout the school year and summer months. Educators are encouraged to take advantage of the many outside sources of training available through Tarleton State University and other institutions of higher learning as well as the many training opportunities presented by the three Educational Service Centers in our area (Abilene, Fort Worth and Waco). Educators are encouraged to pursue training that is relevant to their specific disciplines that present innovative uses of technology integrated into the curriculum. Calendars and schedules shall be communicated through district administrators and campus principals so that all professionals may participate fully.